Monday, June 11, 2018

What are we building?

Each day is another layer of our lives. So, what are we building?

If the answer is our own legacy, our own small kingdom, then we must take stock. How is that landscape looking? Too often, the answer is not what we want. Lives built for self are weak replicas of the life we are called to.

What if our focuses, energies were devoted to encouraging and building each other up? How would that change the dynamics of our families, schools, communities, and country?

It is an intentional choice to build another person up, let us pursue such paths with endless abandon! Start by asking yourself, who can you build up today?

One of the most important steps I took this year was opening my heart to a deep, enriching mentoring relationship with an aspiring teacher. I admired his clear passion and drive to grow. Initially, I was hesitant. What do I, a young teacher myself, have truly to share?

How little did I know, that real growth comes from two or more embarking on a journey together that neither has gone on before. It has required building each other up, feeding off each others ideas, and trusting each other deeply. If the opportunity affords itself to establish a formal mentorship, my advice, take it!         

Today is a new I ask again, what are we building?

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