Monday, May 28, 2018

A School Year of Blessings

Summer is officially right around the corner with State FFA Convention coming this week. As I look back through the year, I am humbled by the blessings and experiences of the year! 

First and foremost; I'm continually blessed by the hand of the Lord in providing for Annelle and I. As Annelle begins a new journey farming with her family he has given us firm clarity and assurance that this is the right direction for our family. 

Next, I cannot think and feel lovingly enough of Annelle. Her patience and love is such a source of constant encouragement, but what I value even more is her straightforwardness and honesty when I am in need of correction...which is more often than I would like to grant. :)

I've started graduate school and found great blessings from our course's Teaching Assistant this year, Carlos. His willingness and eagerness to visit with me on the phone, provide feedback on my writing, and offer critiques of my paradigms have been invaluable as I grow as a researcher and educator. 

School has also offered its many blessings! The greatest blessings have been from my peers. They are so passionate about growth for themselves and their students that it is contagious. I'm honored to be counted a part of this group that is pursing excellence. 

We have been honored and blessed by our community who believe in our school to have passed a $4.1 million dollar bond to enhance our school district. Construction has already started and we are ahead of schedule. Our new Ag Ed Center is slated to be completed by December 18th, 2018.  

Then, I'm blessed to be blogging. In the past I have tried three times to maintain a blog. All times I've stopped after about ten posts. Currently, I'm working on blog post #37. I have found blogging to be a great outlet for my mind and reflections. A great source of encouragement has come from the #CompelledTribe blogging community and I look forward to continue my blogging journey through the summer and beyond!

Finally, thank you to all my students. From you do I find the inspiration and courage to learn and grow. The blessings and lessons each of you have passed on to me this year have been abundant beyond all I could imagine. Thank you and may you each have a blessed summer! 

I could never possibly list all the blessings of this year that has been poured out upon my family. To all those who I may have forgotten, thank you for a tremendous year and I'm looking forward to another remarkable year of growth! 


  1. Sounds like a terrific year and a lot to be thankful for, Anthony! Keep learning and growing - your reflections and insights shared in your blog posts help others to grow, too. So glad you are a part of the #CompelledTribe!

    1. Thank you Jennifer and have a wonderful summer! :)
      Take care,
